Innovation Booster

Our Goals
What is the Innovation Booster's Goal?

Accelerate Radical Innovations
We aim to accelerate radical innovations that foster sustainability in the financial industry by harnessing technology.

Connect Innovation Ecosystem
We are an innovation ecosystem consisting of all relevant partners in Switzerland, including relevant research institutions, industry and public partners.

Boost Transition
Our mission is to boost the transition to a sustainable financial sector through joint innovations. In a multistage bottom-up, agile process the IB generates solution approaches with real impact and economic benefits for implementation partners.
Who are we?
Get to know our consortium and partners
Alliance Members


Network Partners

Leading House

Consortium Executive Board

Jury Committee

Beat Affolter (ZHAW)
Thomas Ankenbrand (HSLU)
Alannah Beer (SBA)
Bastian Bergmann (ETH)
Stefan Bütler (Axelra)
Antony Elliott (Zurich Insurance)
Nicola Fantini (SICTIC)
Andreas Fuster (EPFL)
Peter Gruber (USI)
Stefan Jeker (Raiffeisen)
Yvonne Johansson (UBS)
Oliver Marchand (MSCI)
Eric Novak (USI)
Jörg Osterrieder (Berner Fachhochschule)
Thomas Puschmann (UZH)
Gerrit Sindermann (GDFA)
Andreas Tölke (Swisscom)
Simon Tribelhorn (Liechtenstein Bankers Association)
Elena Walder-Schiavone (Übermorgen Ventures)
Felix Wenger (Startup Academy)
Stephanie Wickihalder (SFTI)
Why Ideation?

Ideation becomes increasingly important!
Ideation will become the most important element in innovation since competition increases across all sectors and industrial boundaries are becoming increasingly blurred (ecosystems).

Companies spend only around 15% on average on their overall R&D budget on ideation

Our focus is on ideation for radical innovations.
We integrate ALL relevant stakeholders over a simgle platform and aims at developing and co-creating novel approaches that are both innovative AND meet policy and regulatory requirements.
Application Process
You have an innovative idea and want to accelerate it?
Then submit your idea here and apply for a funding of min. 20’000 CHF!

1. Call for Applications
Webinar INTRO
Individuals and teams from across Switzerland are invited to submit their applications.
Applicants take part in an innovation workshop organized by the IB.
- Introduction to Design Thinking
- Q&A Session

2. Application Submissions
Workshop BASICS (1-day semi-hybrid)
Ideas are submitted on the website by individuals and teams that are based in Switzerland. Only applicants that participated in the workshop can submit ideas.
Ideas are evaluated and selected by the IB jury.
- Practical application of Design Thinking and Lean Canvas
- Create a Pitch

3. Pitching Days
Workshop UPDATE
Ideas are further developed by support from IB.
Teams pitch ideas in front of jury
Idea funding of 20’000 CHF decision by jury plus evtl. co-investments. Co-investments are possible over the innovation platform.
- Update Lean Canvas and critical reflection on your own project
- De-risking and definition of experiment
- Optional: Q&A Session

4. Idea Development
The ideas are further developed by the teams together with support by the IB.
- Lean start-up, business model analogies and transition to the business model canvas Update Lean Canvas and critical reflection on your own project
- Introduction of agile product development (Incl. agile product engineering)
- Optional: Q&A Session
Application related information
Who is eligible for application?

Applicants are individuals or teams from Switzerland with…
• an idea to develop a new product, service, process or business model.
• an idea that aims to make a positive impact on sustainability in the financial sector or has a strong relationship to banking, finance or insurance.
• the willingness to co-create ideas in a team.
• the intention of implementing the solution in Switzerland and beyond after the Innovation Booster program.
What are the selection criteria?

Innovation degree
(0=not new; 1=new; 2=breaking)
Value contribution
(0=small; 1=average; 2=high)
Project setup
(0=poor; 1=good; 2=excellent)
Sustainability impact
Pitch performance
(0=poor; 1=good; 2=excellent)
Is the idea novel and innovative? How is it different from prior ones?
Are diversity and inclusiveness addressed?
How was the team’s pitch performance?